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Thursday, January 7, 2010

For the New Year

Proclamation of Individual Sovereignty

I hereby resolve that, in the coming year and every year to follow, I will continue to strive to be free as the wind; as free as anyone naturally endowed with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can possibly be.
I reaffirm my sovereign rights as a free individual, equal to all, and in forced servitude to none. I renounce all claims by those who might endeavor to unnaturally govern over me. All attempts to force my adoption of unwanted beliefs will be met with fierce resistance. I renounce all claims of those who feign to speak in my stead. As a free person with a mind of my own, I pledge no allegiance to representatives selected by a majority of misinformed neighbors, and shall not willingly abide by their decisions and dictates. All attempts by those who might attempt to impose restrictions on my personal beliefs, in violation of my sovereignty as a free individual, will be challenged. Let it be known that all forces opposed to liberty and sovereign rights of individuals shall be met with resistance, to the best of my ability.


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