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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


THE ENEMY EXPATRIATION ACT - A STATEMENT FROM ANONYMOUSH.R. 3166: Enemy Expatriation Act (#EEA)The Enemy Expatriation Act is yet another treasonous bill similar to the National Defense Authorization Act that was signed into law by President Obama on New Years' Eve. The NDAA, which authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens on U.S. soil, was met with outrage from the American public. The media largely refused to cover the NDAA until it was too late, and the bill had been signed into law. We are now faced with a similar situation. The Enemy Expatriation Act has been introduced in the House, and again, the media refuses to cover it. The American public have the right to know about a bill that could revoke their United States citizenship, and the continuing media blackout poses a serious threat to the freedoms this country pledges to provide its citizens.The Enemy Expatriation Act is a short, yet dangerous bill. The purpose of the bill is "to add engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality" []. Put simply, this bill gives the U.S. government the power to revoke your citizenship, thereby nullifying your RIGHTS as an American citizen, if they believe you are even merely SUPPORTING acts against the United States. The Obama administration has pledged not to use the NDAA against American citizens [THIS IS NOT CORRECT: SEE P.S. BELOW]. However, if this bill passes, you could be stripped of your citizenship, and subjected to the full, treacherous acts of the NDAA. You will no longer have your rights as a citizen to protect you.Who introduced this abomination to the House of Representatives? Charles Dent, a Republican from Pennsylvania's 15th District [], and the sponsor of the Enemy Expatriation Act, posted the following YouTube video about his proposed legislation: One thing you should notice immediately is the dislike bar. This video has 9 LIKES, and over 1,000 DISLIKES at the time of this statement. In addition, an ongoing poll from shows that 92% OPPOSE this legislation []. Charles Dent is no Representative of the American public by ANY meaning of the word. This bill is yet another act by the government designed to give them the ultimate authority over us. The last time I checked, the Constitution reads WE THE PEOPLE. Clearly, the government has no intention of serving its citizens if our lawmakers take no consideration of our opinions or our rights before attempting to pass legislation such as the NDAA and the Enemy Expatriation Act.In order to stop the Enemy Expatriation Act and all future acts of the U.S. government which revoke our freedoms and attempt to shred the last remnants of our Constitution, it begins with you - with all of us. The media refuses to provide us with the information we need to play a part in our own futures. The government refuses to allow any consideration of the direction we, the people, wish for this country to go. We must be the ones to inform the people. We must play an active role in our future. We are trained to be divided by the media, by the government, told that it's all about petty issues when it's not. Occupiers, Tea Partiers, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, this is not a partisan issue. The issue at hand is our future, and the reality of the present is that the government is slowly revoking our freedoms and our voice. Inform everyone you know about these acts of Congress, and the government as a whole. Make sure they are getting the information they NEED, and not just what they want us to know. Knowledge is power, and the freedom of information is the key to uniting all of us around the issues that really matter. Spread this message to everyone you know. Speak out against these acts, contact your representatives, senators, congressmen and make sure that they know that these injustices will not be tolerated. United, we will restore the power back to the People.#Anonymous

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sleeping Woman Held Key to Iowa's Results

As Iowa caucus watchers entered the wee hours, waiting to see whether Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney would win, the woman with the answers was fast asleep. Edith Pfeffer, the Republican chairwoman in Clinton County, held the crucial votes from the 2nd Ward's second precinct that would ultimately determine the winner.But at 1:30 a.m., Pfeffer had retired to sleep in a room without a phone. She couldn’t hear the calls from the Romney campaign, CNN, or her friend Carolyn Tallett, who soon came to ring her doorbell and pound on her windows.Pfeffer said she reported the numbers at 11:20 p.m. to a Romney worker in Clinton County, who told her that there had been a computer glitch in getting the numbers to Des Moines. But the state party headquarters needed a second confirmation--after Pfeffer had gone to bed.“You cringe a little bit,” Pfeffer told NPR in speaking of how she awoke. “And the next thing I knew, someone was pounding on the windows and I thought, ‘What is going on?’ And I got up to see Carolyn running in my front yard.”Pfeffer and Tallett then called state party headquarters to confirm the precinct’s votes and spoke by phone to CNN's John King as he tallied the votes live. King told the two women that their numbers did not match what the state was reporting, an indication that they held the missing piece that ultimately determined Romney the winner.

Friday, December 23, 2011


The US Congress is considering America's first system for censoring the Internet. Despite public outcry, the Internet Censorship bill could pass at any time. If it does, the Internet and free speech will never be the same:

Website Blocking
If SOPA or Protect IP passes, the government can order internet providers to block any site for its users' infringing posts, using the same DNS-blocking methods as China or Iran.

Risk of Jail for Ordinary Users
It becomes a felony with a potential 5 year sentence to stream a copyrighted work that would cost more than $2,500 to license, even if you are an ordinary noncommercial user. Singing a pop song on Facebook could be a felony.

Recently, 2 bills have been introduced into Congress (HR3261 and S.968) that – if passed – will do irreparable damage to the Internet, entrepreneurship, free speech, and job creation as a result of the continued entrepreneurial activity around the Internet.

Fred Wilson has a strong post up titled Protecting The Safe Harbors Of The DMCA And Protecting Jobs that explains the situation. Go read the post now – it’s an outstanding summary in plain English of what is going on.

watch the video

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm back

After a time away I am back and will be updating all my blogs

Thursday, February 11, 2010

No joke: South Carolina now requires ’subversives’ to register

Five-dollar registration fee for persons planning to overthrow US government

Terrorists who want to overthrow the United States government must now register with South Carolina's Secretary of State and declare their intentions -- or face a $25,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.

The state's "Subversive Activities Registration Act," passed last year and now officially on the books, states that "every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States ... shall register with the Secretary of State."

There's even a $5 filing fee.

By "subversive organization," the law means "every corporation, society, association, camp, group, bund, political party, assembly, body or organization, composed of two or more persons, which directly or indirectly advocates, advises, teaches or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States [or] of this State."
PS: If you need an application
A PDF of the registration form can be found here, courtesy of FitsNews.
All I can say is HUH!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


36 have been accused of spousal abuse

7 have been arrested for fraud

19 have been accused of writing bad checks

117 have directly or indirectlybankrupted at least 2 businesses

3 have done time for assault
71 repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting

21 currently are defendants in lawsuits, and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year

Can you guess which organization this is?

it's the 535 members of the United States Congress
The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds
of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line